Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash
Telling stories, either children folklore or historic heroes, has been a part of every culture. People have written countless poems and songs and composed them in rhythmic melodies that have a unique impact on the heart. A person who loves to listen and tell stories should read this article as it will improve storytelling with the help of Internet Blogs like huffpost.

How do we tell stories to ones who aren’t engaged in listening or reading? The words are the most powerful tools in the world, that has led to many conquests. An effective writer or storyteller would always choose his words wisely. A simple loss of touch could completely confuse the reader and make him unable to continue. If we talk about today’s era, classical English has gone extinct and like the fast pace of the world, Shakespeare’s writings are only confined to hobbies and collectibles. Therefore, using a hard language, where people have to make use of a dictionary to understand again and again would be disengaging. A successful story should be fluent and fierce like an ocean, sometimes calm and sometimes violent that keeps the audience hooked up for the next part. A little element of mystery here and a little element of thriller, drama, and romance there and voila! A beautiful masterpiece is formed.
Emotion Quotient
Everybody connects emotionally to something at some point. A good story needs to have an emotional link that will connect to the audience in a wider spectrum. All the children’s stories have romanticist touch, love story between the prince and the princess that connects to them with an impact. Hence, to tell a love story, some emotional touch should be in the voice or words in the context of writing that catches the essence of connectivity.

Storytelling will always be effective where there is the relatability of the context. No person would like to hear a story that is pointless and doesn’t relate to the situation one is facing. The Turk tribes always shared their fearless and courageous ancestors’ stories before going to war and even to their children, who’ll grow up to become soldiers. Even when they faced an outstanding number of enemies, they always told their soldiers how great Turk fought and how a single Turk was able to slay 50 enemies in a battle. The reason for their success was the relatability of the context that motivates a person and captures a heart.
Causal Relationship
Good stories have always the cause and effect linkage, which holds the true essence of a story. If one needs to relay a great story, he needs to figure out that precise link. For instance, in relaying a story about betrayal, the Crucifixion of Jesus always comes to mind. The person needs to know how one of the apostle of Jesus betrayed him for a few coins and Jesus Christ was crucified. Hence, in successful storytelling, there should be an effective link between the cause and effect that will make the listener understand the crux and moral of the story.
Purpose and Objective

Every story has an objective and specific moral. A good story will always cry out to a specific evil i.e. either a social evil or classic world problem. If we open up Netflix and see a number of series about politics, we’d see that the whole drama would call people to action towards corruption. Similarly, if we watch a historic show, the call of action would be against disunity and internal conflicts. Hence, a good story would have a clear objective that would convince the audience about a specific problem and change their behavior or opinion regarding the problem.

That being said, the art of storytelling has been in the world since the first painting of the mammoth hunt was on the walls of a cave. Generations after generations, the art was evolved and so was the audience. For a successful storyteller, one needs to know his audience and then, he must use his words in the most captivating way that a reader doesn’t get his fill until he reaches the end of the story and experiences, the transformation.