The Body Shop HoneyMania Soap-free Cleanser With Wildflower Review


Gone are the days when we were dependent only on those harmful soaps. The story isn’t the same today as the people explore and experiment not just with their food and clothes but now also with their bath and body products! And this isn’t enough, they look for something that treat their sense, relaxes them and takes care of the skin while they try to have the time of their lives!

So taking this very though forward I too wanna relax and have a spa like treatment at home and who else can take care of my skin better than a TBS product! So I bought it and had high hopes with it.

Did it do well…or did it just break my heart? Do you want to know?

Please Read below 🙂

The Body Shop HoneyMania Soapfree Cleanser With Wildflower

The Body Shop HoneyMania SoaPfree Cleanser With Wildflower Review

What Honeymania claims: (as taken from TBS website)

This soap-free shower gel contains Community Fair Trade honey made from the nectar of thousands of wildflowers. Lather up to envelop skin in a rich, floral scent. – Soap-free – Lather-rich – Rich, floral scent

Price: Rs. 450 /-

Quantity: 250 ml

Shelf Life: 3 yrs.

The Body Shop HoneyMania Soap-free Cleanser PRICE

Ingredients: Please refer to the picture below

The Body Shop HoneyMania INGREDIENTS

My Experience With The Body Shop HoneyMania Shower Gel

Honeymania is packed in a plastic sturdy bottle with a top flip cap. The packaging is travel friendly.

The Body Shop HoneyMania

The Body Shop HoneyMania REVIEW

The shower is gel based & soap free. It is of thin consistency and lathers best with a loofah. The gel smells like honey which is not very sweet and full of awesomeness. As I sniff it, it emits fragrances of different flowers maybe, but whatever it is, that is mild and so pleasant!

It feels fresh and enchanting to use this in shower! It takes away the dirt and grime from the body without stripping the natural moisture from the skin. My washroom is converted into a garden of flowers as the whole smell gets filled in the room making it just like heaven. Even after out of the shower my skin smells amazing but that is for not too long.

All in all I am happy with this beauty and would recommend it to all the lovers of honey and caramel!

Swatches OF Honeymania

The Body Shop HoneyMania SWATCH

The Body Shop HoneyMania Soap-free Cleanser SWATCH

Turn On: The Body Shop Honeymania Shower Gel

1) It smells delicious.

2) Washes away the dirt without taking away the moisture from skin.

3) The quantity provided justifies the price.

4) Its soft to the skin.

5) It is soap free!

6) The body shop don’t test on animals

Turn Off: The Body Shop Honeymania Shower Gel

1) SLS present.

2)The smell of it maybe too sweet for some. (I personally like it 🙂  )


INFO ON A SILVER PLATTERHoneymania attracts you and it’s the smell that delights you. Awesomeness and Enchantment is packed in one! Do I need to say more? Safeguard your heart as a new Romeo is in town! 😛




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  1. hello can you tell me how is soap harmful? pls? other than making skin dry I have never found anything harmful in soaps, it works great with a loofah and for oily /greasy summer skin

  2. Hey guyz…I am out of town for a few days …thanks for all your lovely comments
    due to limited internet connectivity, I am not able to reply to individual comments,but I am reading all of them :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

  3. Very nicely explained. I also use The Body Shop’s product and I am a big big fan of The Body Shop. I have also used the Honemania series products and they are just WOWwwww…. 🙂

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