Tips for daily Skin care routine

Skincare For The Valentines Day, Let Your Mind, Soul & Skin Rejoice!!!


Photo by Hanna Postova on Unsplash   (skincare For The Valentines)

Hiya, hope you all are enjoying the posts. As we had promised some time back, we are back with a skincare routine to help you achieve that perfect skin for this Valentine’s Day or to say here is your routine for perfect skincare For The Valentines ! And not just this day , why not to take a vow to take good care of your skin, this very day, each day!

1) Follow the basic routine of CTMs – This is the basic step to achieve a soft, clean skin. It’s said a number of times that to keep your skin in perfect condition it is important to take care of it on daily basis. And so here comes the rule of CTM (cleaning, toning and moisturizing). Use a face wash/ cleanser, toner and moisturizer according to your skin type. I have an oily, acne prone, sensitive skin and hence I have to be extra cautious to invest in any product. With burning a hole in my pocket I don’t want to end with infinite small red bumps on my face. The products that I use/ have used till now for the longest. Oh how amazed I am thinking how time changed me and now here I am with the skincare For The Valentine!!!

  1. Dove Deep Pure Face wash (Review) , H2o Marine Calm Cleanser ( review) , TBS Tea Tree Clearing Facial Wash

Skincare For The Valentine’s Day, Let Your Mind, Soul & Skin Rejoice!!!

2. Fabindia tea tree toner,  and Lush Eau Roma Water Toner (Review)

Skincare For The Valentine’s Day, Let Your Mind, Soul & Skin Rejoice!

3. Olay natural white all-in-one day cream (review), Lotus Alphamoist , Neutrogena moisturiser (Review) as moisturizers

Skincare For The Valentine’s Day, Let Your Mind, Soul & Skin Rejoice

This regimen will keep your skin healthy and glowing. Also don’t forget to use a nice and effective sun-block with spf to avoid any sun tan.

 2) Hydration is the key and read more tips on skincare for the valentines

Apart from following the skin care routine according to your skin type, drinking a good quantity of water is a must. Also with drinking plenty of water we need to cut down the consumption of caffeine and say yes to fruits! Fruits are the natural source to get all vitamins, fiber, and potassium. They are low in calories and so they can be happily added to your diet-plan!

Skincare For The Valentines day

Photo by Tom Brunberg on Unsplash

3) Indulgence in a spa for pampering/or a mini home facial– To feel happy and boost your inner system, shopping is the first concept that rules our mind but sometimes relaxation is the key! In addition to this, spa is the best way to distress. Take a break from your regular monotonous schedule and gift your mind a happy state of mind!

Skincare For The Valentines day

Photo by alan caishan on Unsplash

 4) A sour Cream Banana Face mask perfect skincare for the Valentines

After a facial in a spa they usually finish the process with a face pack but what if you have done the facial at home? Don’t worry I have covered that as well( Ah, you know if we promise to come up with ideas that would talk about skincare For The Valentines, we do share the tips!).

After an exfoliation your face needs a nice face mask. These homemade masks are easy, affordable and very relaxing. Don’t forget the natural benefits they provide. Here I am sharing a secret face mask that can do wonders to your skin!

Ingre­di­ents: (diy taken from pinterest)

– 1 tbsp. of sour cream (contains lactic acid, it’s a natural exfoliator as well, those who have dry skin has to use it with honey)

– ½ tsp. of honey (if you have dry skin)

– ¼ banana

– 1 tsp. of olive oil, optional (used as it has non sticky texture and so can be used over the irritated skin.)

Mash banana and mix sour cream, and honey (if you have dry skin). Add olive oil if you want.  Blend it nicely. Apply on the face. Leave on for 15 min­utes, remove with cot­ton and wash off the face with water.

Sour cream is also helpful to lighten the skin. However just one use may give you a nice soft skin but regular usage of homemade masks does give visible results.

5) Keep your lips moisturized– Who wants to kiss a pair of rough, cracked lips! No one I am sure. So to get a nice attractive and moisturized lips follow the points 1 and 2  stated above! I usually take a washcloth and scrub my lips and use my lip balms immediately. A perfect lip balm is the key to get supple lips in no time. You may want to read my last post about the Best 5 Lip Balms (review) easily available in less than Rs 200!

Skincare For The Valentine’s Day, Let Your Mind, Soul & Skin Rejoice!!

( Pics soursed pic- 123 )



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