Its All about Whiskers And Paws In This Crazy Modern Family….!!!


One of the biggest joys and pleasures of being in China, apart from all the cheap & cool shopping are my two crazy kids. Yes I call them kids, coz they’re as precious, to me & my hubby, as our kids would have been. I have been a crazy pet lover since my childhood days. I was raised with 2 dogs and 2 cats and yes they all would have their litter, so my playmates as a child were kittens and puppies. And hence my love for pets has always been beyond sanity, there were so many occasions when I would just pick up stray puppies from street and take them home to my grandma asking for permission to keep them in the house…lol

But after moving out for college and then working in Delhi, it was not possible to keep a pet since I was working full time. When we got to China, the first thing I asked Rahul was about adopting a dog, I never believed in buying Pedigree dogs, somehow I always wanted to adopt the stray and abandoned dogs. So we went for a pet party at our friend’s animal hospital during the Christmas holidays out here in Beijing. And at that party I met this cute little guy, who has now become the center and focus of all our attention. Please meet Frisbee, my silly, cute and adorable puppy, who drives both of us crazy all the time.



He is a Chinese stray dog and we decided to adopt him the minute we saw him at ICVS. Unlike India, here the adoption for pets has a proper procedure and paper work required, so we completed all those formalities, moved into our new apartment and then got Frisbee home. It was totally a new experience for Rahul as he never had pets, but yeah thankfully he loves dogs so the whole transition of adding a new member to family was smooth and easy.

But yeah there was a slight twist and challenge, before getting Frisbee I had just read online about a cat being available for adoption. My heart jumped with excitement as I love cats too, the only problem was to convince Rahul, who was scared of cats. Somehow I managed to convince him to visit the house where the cat was being fostered. I fell in love with this cutie instantly, she looked like a cute little ball of fur with the most gorgeous eyes and I pleaded, almost begged Rahul to let me adopt her. So yes, please meet my little gorgeous Princess Zara, she is cute, crazy and totally adorable.  She is also a rescued Chinese stray cat who was found injured on the streets, we got her treated for a couple of months but now she’s all hale & hearty and as pretty as ever.



So Zara came first and took almost a week to adapt to the new environment, she would just sleep all the day in a corner, would just come out for food and to use the litter box. Once she was comfortable, we dropped the bomb by bringing this hyper active puppy home. Everybody challenged our decision of having a cat and dog together, but I was assured that these two will get along well. It took them at least a week to get acquainted with each other. Zara is a snooty cat, very temperamental and yes nocturnal, while Frisbee is silly and would always want to play. So Zara gets active only at night when Frisbee sleeps like a log and during the day Zara wouldn’t care to play unless she feels like it, yes she’s a brat and can be a bully too. She is very dominating and supersedes Frisbee even while at play. But yes overall, they are my complete source of entertainment 24/7.

It’s a crazy complete family and we love it..!!!!

A couple of things that everyone should keep in mind while adopting pets:-

  1. Always adopt a pet, please don’t buy animals from stores. Try to help a homeless pet, by welcoming it into your family.
  2. While adopting, get the pet completely checked by a Vet, to check for any illness or infections.
  3. Get all the vaccinations done, that’s of prime importance especially if you have kids at home.
  4. Be gentle and kind while training your pets, as they are sensitive (especially dogs)
  5. It takes a lot of patience and effort, so don’t lose your cool while you’re struggling to clean the mess your pet creates.
  6. Do regular checkups with the vet to check on your pet’s health.

Pets are fun and the best stress-buster one could have, after a long day when my husband comes back from work, he gets the warmest welcome from Frisbee who dances in joy all over the house when Rahul returns from office. Even my Ms. Attitude Zara runs out to greet Rahul, which is very surprising because cats are not sensitive. The best part of the day is when all four of us would sit on one couch chilling together as one family.

More than me saying anything, the pictures will do all the talking about the joy that a pet can bring to your family.

So enjoy the crazy pictures and have a good laugh.

Yes they cuddle and sleep at times, and I managed to capture one of those rare moments… 🙂

And here’s my tech savvy cat, while the lazy boy chooses to sleep in the background…!!!

And yes, Zara loves RED, just like her Mommy 🙂


And yeah, this is how my 3 crazies sleep, without leaving any space for me on the bed…!!!

Cuddle therapy, licking therapy, and lots and lots of love is all you get when you adopt pets….!!!



I hope you all enjoyed the pictures, so this is my crazy modern family where the whiskers and paws call the shots…!!!

Adopt an abandoned or homeless pet and you will surely feel the love.



  1. Your family is just like mine. We have two dogs – Rex and Precious – both strays, both adopted directly from the streets of Hyderabad. My boyfriend (who, incidentally, is also called Rahul) has also never had dogs before he met me, and now he cannot imagine life without our babies.

    Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing your lovely story and pictures.

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