Hair Removal Techniques

Hair Removal Techniques to Know


Hair Removal Techniques(Photo by Mel Poole on Unsplash)


You might think that hair removal is limited to shaving or waxing, but there are actually several ways to get rid of unsightly hairs, whether they are individual or in groups. And, even if you do want to shave or wax the hair away, it’s important to understand how those procedures work and what to expect as far as results. Here is a brief overview of several popular hair removal techniques you should know about.

Removing Body Hair by Shaving it Away

When you shave body hair off you might think you are getting rid of all of it, but there’s a reason it grows back so fast. More of the hair actually exists below your skin than above it in a lot of cases. By only removing the part of each hair that you can see, you leave the other section of hair just below the surface, and it only takes a day or two for it to poke back through. You can maximize the time it will take to grow back by using a clean, sharp razor, shaving gel, and a proper shaving technique, but you’ll still see it come back within several days.


Laser Treatments Remove Hair for Longer Time Periods

If having shaved off hair grow back soon after is becoming annoying or unappealing to you then you do have several better options. One of the best hair removing devices is a laser. Although, having a proper laser hair removal treatment will require visiting your local skincare clinic. The laser device will work better than shaving with a razor because the light beam can track and destroy an entire hair. By removing the hair at its source, the follicle, there will be nothing left lurking just under your skin’s outer layer. It could take weeks for an entirely new hair to grow.


Using Wax or Sugar Treatments on Your Unwanted Hair

If you want an at-home method that removes hair for a longer period of time you can try waxing. You can even have waxing or sugaring done in local clinics or spas if you have trouble performing the procedure on yourself. Both procedures are a bit uncomfortable, but they are capable of removing hair for a good amount of time as well because they get down to the root of most hairs and pluck them out. While waxing can keep hair away for a couple of weeks, sugaring has been known to work for around six weeks, though times may vary depending on individual cases.


Depilatory Creams and Epilators for Hair Removal

If you just have a few stray hairs you want to remove then epilators or depilatory creams might work better for you. Depilatory creams gradually weaken hairs and make them fall out over time. Epilators work similarly to tweezers, plucking and cutting hairs you don’t want. In either case, you will have to have the patience to repeat the process as needed, since the hairs won’t stay away for long.


Making Your Final Hair Removal Decision

When making your final hair removal decision remember one thing. It isn’t actually final. Hair removal techniques do not interfere or interact poorly with each other. You can mix and match as much as you want. So, if you feel like having laser treatments but also shaving or waxing occasionally, go right ahead. In fact, it may be necessary to shave at home a bit still, even after lasers or other clinical treatments.




Disclaimer: The above is a guest post

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