Fancy And Elegant White Bridal Wedding Dress…My Wedding Pics!!!


Article written and contributed by COSMOCHICS Contributor ‘ARUNIMA’ 

( In The Photographs are  ARUNIMA & RAHUL : Flashback Photography by Jason Here)

Well yes for all my friends who freaked out when I told them about my marriage…here I am celebrating my survival of 365 days in Holy Matrimony and yes thankfully both of us are alive, as we managed to pull it through without killing each other. (lol)

I can see a deep sigh of relieve coming from my closest pals, because as per them the success rate of my marriage was very much dependent upon my first year. Since I have surpassed my 1st year hitch, I guess forthcoming years would be an easy cruise.

Looking back at the year gone by, it feels like I have been living with my husband for ages now… the whole transition process of becoming a wife from a fiercely independent single woman was made very easy and manageable by Rahul( My Husband). So drum rolls and heavy applause for my darling husband.

I here want to thank my man of my life for giving me a year full of excitement, surprises that I managed to kill before time, good times courtesy me, sad times courtesy him, crazy fights as we both are equally crazy and so many more (the list is long and never ending)…!!!

You’ve been the best thing that has happened to me. I know nobody else in this entire world could have handled me the way you have managed. Thanks for being a parent when I behave like a child, my best friend for all those moments when I needed an unbiased and non-judgmental opinion, for being my knight in shining armor whenever I was a damsel in distress (which is very rare) and for being my husband to take care of me all the times to the minutest details. Life’s been good so far, and I wish, hope and pray that the forthcoming years are as colorful, vibrant, exciting and crazy as the year went by.

I’m glad we said “I DO” and more than that I’m thankful that we managed to live up to it.

So here’s to us, one more toast for completing one mad & crazy year with each other. 



Editor-  Arunima thank you so much for sharing your amazing and beautiful pictures with us. The photographs illustrated that you both had a real quality time with each other and had loads of fun ‘On Your Special Day’:)

A very big Congratulations and best wishes to both of you and COSMOCHICS pray- May you be blessed and your love grow stronger!!!



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