egg mask ingredients

DIY : Egg Pack To Repair Damaged Hair


Hey Everyone,

I am in a major hair repair phase, ruined them completely because of frequent chemical treatments and now I am trying every possible experiment( all natural though….don’t wish to harm them anymore)  to make my damaged hair healthy again. I was facing major hair fall but thanks to Rich Feel Hair Repair Kit , it has been fixed but I am left with a lot of split ends, dryness and dullness.

This DIY that I have tried recently has helped quite an extent to bring some life to my mane hence I thought of sharing it with you guyz.


1 Egg

1 tablespoon honey

1 tablespoon yogurt

1 teaspoon coconut oil

egg mask ingredients


Mix all the ingredients well until you blend everything together.

preparation of egg mask for hair

preparation of egg mask for hair

preparation of egg mask for hair

preparation of egg mask for hair

preparation of egg mask for hair

preparation of egg mask for hair


Apply all over the hair as well as the scalp and tie your hair. This mixture drips for sometime so I suggest covering your head with a cling wrap or a shower cap.Let this stay for two hours and then rinse off with a mild shampoo. Use lukewarm water ( do not use hot/cold water ). Follow up with your favorite conditioner and serum. You will notice a difference in the first use itself. Try using this concoction once a week and say yes to happy hair.


Egg is rich in protein,antioxidants, vitamins and fatty acids which have the power to repair damaged hair. Egg along with honey,oil and yogurt provide optimum nourishment and conditioning to your hair.

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