Beat The Heat 5 Summer Essentials


Beat the heat with 5 summer essentials (Photo by Artem Bali on Unsplash)


Yes, it is that time of the year when we think only about cool drinks, ice creams and popsicles. Well honesty I think about ice creams all the time! Also, being on a beach is another idea that I constantly get!

So, before you prepare yourself to make the most of summer holidays you should read my article on “Beat The Heat, 5 Summer Essentials”!


1)     Sunblock: The onset of the summers brings joy and a lot of outdoor activities. The best ones that I can remember are the times I spent on a beach with my friends or a road trip with family members.

Maybe I have used a number of sunblocks but one of my favourite skincare staple is “Neutrogena dry touch sunblock” a product that is always in steady demand! Read about it HERE

Beat the heat with 5 summer essentials


2)     Sunglasses: Please remember that our eyes are very sensitive. And, prolonged exposure to sun is not good at all. In addition to this, the skin around the eye area is very delicate and therefore it is more prone to any sun damage. When you choose a pair of sunglasses, kindly keep in mind that they are with 100% UVA and UVB protection.

beat the heat with 5 summer essentials

Photo by Pete Bellis on Unsplash


3)     Summer cotton dresses/tops: Don’t even bother yourself by buying those elastane and other material dresses that might be uncomfortable. Invest in good quality cotton dresses and tops. The one below from the brand Anouk is my absolute favourite and just INR 550 at the moment from Jabong

beat the heat with 5 summer essentials


4)     Lemonade and water: I should probably talk about this first. First of all, human body needs at least 3 litres of water. Also, it is important to drink the required quantity of water daily.

I am so shocked when I hear people saying that they can drink 5 glasses of beer but don’t get time to drink 5 glasses of water in a day! Like, really? You kidding me? Please make extra effort to drink as much water as you can. Seems like, nobody is bothered. Phew!

In addition to this, here is a hassle-free recipe for a non-alcoholic summer drink. Probably a lemonade can cheer your up! Hence ” Read about it here” 

beat the heat with 5 summer essentials

Photo by Francesca Hotchin on Unsplash


5 ) Face mists and facial sprays: I absolutely love my “Vichy Thermale Spa water”. Also, you can read full review HERE

Vichy Thermal Spa water helps the enzymatic activity which contributes to the protective functions of the skin. As per their website the spa water:

  • Decongests*
  • Soothes sensitive skin.
  • Reinforces the skin’s natural protection.

I spritz the face with this water and immediately, as a result, the skin feels light and cool. The light and refreshing water which is rich in mineral salts is great on sensitive skin too.  Read more about it HERE

beat the heat with 5 summer essentials


Finally, I wrote all the essentials above.  Also, I hope you liked the above article. Do let me know what are your summer essentials!



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