Affordable items to Wishlist from Ikea India online store


Affordable items to Wishlist from Ikea India online store

Hi guys, I am super excited as I write this post. Ikea India is now fully operational in Hyderabad! They have an online website as well, however, it seems that it is not functional as of now for other cities. Probably they will start online shopping for their items in near future very soon for other cities in India.

Here are some affordable items from their online store that are available at such good deals and I like! I am already wish listing guys! Hope they come up with their ecommerce website soon! The below mentioned items are available on their online website. So, they have a website but it is not open for online shopping for other people in India. Maybe they working on it and shall start online shopping soon! But, you can still go through their website and droll over the lovely items available! Isn’t it!

1)    Staring with kid’s section. There are number of sub categories. From children’s bed to toys, storage, furniture and children’s textiles are available. I particularly liked this tent. As my kid is already 1 year old now and he absolutely loves playing in and around a tent.

 Ikea India online store

Children’s tent Buy Here Image source



2)    I am so liking this bright colour quilt cover and pillow case. Children love colours and adding colours on walls and their bedsheets and quilts makes it easy for them to be comfortable with bright things. Also, you can start the colours game with them easily…here a mommy talk!


Ikea India online store

Quilt Cover & Pillow case Buy Here, Image source


3)    This training beaker looks interesting. It is mentioned in the description of this product that the lid is formed with room for a child’s nose so it is comfortable to drink from, without leaning the head back. Very thoughtful Ikea! Love you!

Ikea India online store

Training Beaker Buy Here, Image Source


4)    DÉCOR: coming to the décor part. They have pretty interesting and cutesy stuff.

Eyeing these 2 alarm clocks!

Ikea India online store

Alarm Clock Buy here, Image Source

5) Another cutesy clock

Ikea India online store

Buy It here, Image source




6)    An aluminium floor lamp that provides for reading! Hell yes! You can easily direct the light where you want it because the lamp arm is adjustable. Like what! So cool!

Ikea India online store

Floor lamp, Buy, Image


7)    I always wanted to add led lightings indoor and these look perfect! LED block candle in/out, set of 3, battery-operated, natural.

Ikea India online store

Image source, Buy here, Indoor lights




8)    Now comes the part for which Ikea is loved the most and that is storage!

Love these basket


Ikea India online store

Buy here, Source, Basket


Ikea India online store

source, Buy Here, Basket

I am getting this divider for sure!


Buy Divider here, Source

transparent boxes from Rs 399 for all my makeup items!


Shop Transparent box here, source


9)    This is storage unit for shoes, hats coats etc. Such a cool option for foyer area or just near your door where you come and hang your bags, keep your shoes and bags!

Hanging Unit, Buy Here, Source


10)     A white pegboard is a blogger’s dream! Use it to hand notes, small pics and to keep accessories near your study table or use it in your washroom!  

Pegboard, Source


So, That’s it guys! I hope you like the wish list! Ikea India online shopping is still not open for the rest of the India. I hope they come up with fully functional ecommerce website soon! And so,wishing them all the good luck!

Also, Do let me know which are your fav items in the comments below!


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