Aging is a process no one can escape. We will all grow old. It is in how we age, either gracefully or with poor health, that is going to determine each individual’s quality of life as well as our time on Earth. And it is never too late to start a new daily routine, one of healthy consciousness which includes clean eating, mild exercise, and a more positive outlook.
There are, however, different ways we can age better and as healthily as possible to avoid certain age-related illnesses. You can choose to eat better, take a fitness class, and seek help for anger, depression and other mental health issues. These are only a few of the things one can do to improve their life and live longer.
Here are 7 important principles to take care of your body as you age.
1. Stay Mentally Sharp
To maintain your overall health, you will need to keep your brain sharp. There are many daily math, puzzle and common sense games and tests you can perform to keep your mind in top working shape.
Working on puzzles like Sudoku, crossword puzzles, and word search books will help build muscle memory. Muscle memory is one of the keys to keeping your brain active and functioning at its top capacity. You don’t need to go back to school to keep learning, but you do need to exercise your mind as much as possible to keep it from developing dementia or something similar.
2. Exercise Your Body

As one age, they need to take care of their body in order for it to last as long as they need. Working out does not need to be difficult or grueling when you were younger. You may simply enjoy walking every day, and each time you go out for a walk, go further and further and eventually you will feel, and actually be, so much healthier.
There are yoga classes for older individuals that focus on slow and deliberate movements. This type of class will help to maintain balance, strengthen muscles and keep joints lubricated and moving without pain.
3. Eat Healthy
You may love your junk food, but it is not doing you any good. It is probably doing you more harm than you know. Start following a diet low in cholesterol, low in fat and rich in fiber.
Stop drinking so much alcohol. A glass of wine a few times a week will not hurt your aging body, and may even help with some illnesses before they get out of control. You will need to give up soda in favor of water or try green or black tea. Soda has no health benefits and will weaken your teeth as well as your immune system.
4. Get Your ZZZ’s

It is important to remember that enough sleep for one person may not be the correct amount for the next person. Everyone is different. There are some individuals who need less sleep as they age, but there is another group of older individuals that need more sleep than they did when they were younger.
The best advice regarding sleep is to listen to your body. If you go to bed early and find you can’t sleep, get up and read or do a mild activity like a jigsaw puzzle. You may need to take a little time and a few nights to adjust your schedule before you fall upon the right time to go to sleep and get up in the morning.
5. Get Regular Checkups
It is more important than ever to keep regular appointments with your general practitioner, any specialist doctors, and a dentist. As one age, there are certain health problems that can be detected early and thus prolong your life.
Bone density or brittle bones, blood clots and strokes, vision and gum diseases are a few of the health issues that older adults can suffer from, but are also mostly preventable. When you make yearly visits to the appropriate doctors, they can help keep you in the preventative area of health care instead of the reactive stage.
6. Quit Smoking

Unfortunately, quitting smoking is easier said than done for the majority of individuals that have been smoking all their life. Nicotine is an addictive substance and extremely hard to give up, but it is worth leaving cigarettes behind and having a better, healthier life for a longer period of time.
There are countless programs your doctor can discuss with you regarding smoking cessation. Some of these include chewing gums, patches, and pills. Even if you’ve smoked several packs a day for all of your adult life and some of your teens, you can quit. It won’t be easy, but it can be done and your body will love you for quitting.
7. Adjust Your Attitude
If you are a negative person or complain a lot, your body gets signals from all the pessimism. This will increase your level of cortisol, a stress hormone that contributes to fat in the belly. Holding more fat in the midsection is dangerous for an aging body as it could contribute to heart attacks, strokes, and many other preventable illnesses.
Having a negative attitude will also speed up the brain’s aging process. When you are happy and less worried about things, you will find your body reacting in a positive way. You will have less indigestion, fewer sleepless nights and you will find your friends and family willing to come round you more often.
In an era where everyone has some type of issue, you can lessen yours and gain better health by following a few simple rules. Taking care of yourself is the best gift you can give to yourself and your family. They want you to be around for many more years, and you will want to stick around as well. It is not hard to take care of yourself but can feel a little selfish if you have taken care of others all your life.