After starting your own architecture firm, the next big step is properly designing your office. One of the biggest benefits of taking on your own architecture business is the fact that much of your work can be done right from home, making a home office a possibility.
While setting up a home office for your architecture work can save you a lot of money in the long run, what’s important is to decide if a home office is actually a viable option. Do you have plenty of space? Is the lighting up to par? Is your home quiet enough? Generally, there are many considerations when determining if your home is a suitable place for an architect’s office.
If you’re determined to make your architect’s home office come to life, consider engaging in the following five tips to ensure it’s the best space for you to work in:
1. Go for a clean, modern look.

Many architects’ offices these days feature a very up-to-the-minute, clutter-free design. Just like your architecture work, you’ll want your office space to be well-organized, simple yet detailed, and balanced. Aim for a minimalist color scheme, out-of-sight storage solutions, and a less-is-more approach to furnishing and decorating your home office.
2. Include plenty of seating.
Even though your architect’s office might be at home, you’re probably still going to have clients visit your office in person. For that reason, make sure to include plenty of seating, along with generous tabletop space, to discuss projects with clients. If space is an issue, consider having barstools or a pull-out bench to conserve space while still including plenty of seating.
3. Make lighting an integral component of your space.
From architect lamps to bright, recessed lighting, illumination is one of the most critical parts of any architect’s office. However, there’s a good chance that your home office currently doesn’t have the best lighting. For that reason, it’s up to you to supply plenty of quality, work-friendly lighting in your space. If you have the addition of natural lighting in your office, all the better.
4. Add indoor plants to your office.

Featuring indoor plants in your home office is only partially about aesthetics. More importantly, indoor plants can provide many health benefits and, not to mention, can add a peaceful element to your workspace, making your career a little less chaotic. As long as the indoor lighting permits, there’s a good chance your office will be able to house indoor plants.
5. Visit other architects’ offices for inspiration.
Nothing boosts your design creativity more than seeing the work of others. By visiting other architects’ offices, you can get a better idea of the organization, aesthetics, and specific components that should be included in your own space. If you are unable to physically visit other architects’ offices, search for images online to gain ideas for your office.
Running an architecture firm can be a bit chaotic at times. What can help make the job easier is having a nice home office space to work in and meet with clients. With clean and modern aesthetics, plenty of seating, lots of lighting, the inclusion of indoor plants, and inspiration from other architects’ offices, your home office will be beautiful and easy to work in at the same time.