5 Easy Home Exercises

5 Easy Home Exercises To Do In Quarantine at home without Equipment


Photo by Maryjoy Caballero on Unsplash

Lately, I have been feeling quite perked up, and the reason behind my liveliness is the fact that I exercise at home daily and I am about to talk about the 5 Easy Home Exercises in this post! Honestly, there is so much online information available that one can easily get exhausted by just reading about it and not do much but yawn, however, recently, I hired a personal trainer, and the job is so much easier than before.

I get my own meal plans and personalised exercises. Due to covid, no one is stepping out of their homes, and therefore I think hiring a personal trainer for online classes is the best choice. So, my friends and I we, exercise at home and stay fit because there is nothing like feeling confident, happy and content after a good workout session.

Prepare yourself to sweat, move your living furniture if needed because I am about to share the “5 Easy Home Exercises To Do In Quarantine at home without Equipment”. 

I am a beginner and therefore sharing the beginner’s routine with these 5 Easy Home Exercises. I shall share more advanced levels as I progress in my training.

The below five exercises are beginner’s friendly and provide a full-body workout, and can help in weight loss with a proper diet.

I do two sets of 10 to 15 reps of each exercise at home, with 30sec to 1 minute of rest between each move.

Glute Bridge:

Bridge exercise is best for warming up and great for the back and the glutes. Lie on your back, hands on the side, tighten the core and raise the bottom from the ground. Be sure to keep your core tight and squeeze your glutes at the top.

How do you breathe in bridge pose (Setu Bandhasana)?

Inhale and push up your bottom. Keep this position for 5 seconds and then exhale and come back on the ground slowly.

I do two sets of bridge pose, ten reps.

Stationery Lunge:

Another great at-home exercise without using any equipment is the stationary lunge. This helps to strengthen the glutes and the legs. 

Lunges tone, the body, tighten the core, butts and legs. It corrects your overall posture, which is very important.

Learn how to make Lunges for beginners correctly in the video below:

Bird Dog (Dandayamana Bharmanasana):

A step further to the exercise “straight leg donkey kick” is the bird dog. Friends, honestly, it may look like a very simple exercise but believe me, it is not. It will get you sweating in no time. 

With practice, you can master the bird dog range motion. It is great for stability, toning of arms and shoulders. 

5 Easy Home Exercises
Photo by Julia Ballew on Unsplash

Side plank (Vasisthasana):

Strengthening the arms, belly and legs, Side plank, aka Vasisthasana, is a great at-home exercise. In addition to improving the sense of balancing, it is great and a safe routine for ladies who are trying to correct Diastasis recti.


Squats strengthen the muscle around the knees, hips and work to tighten the core. I agree it can be a bit painful at the start, but hey, no pain, no gain…right!

I started this exercise at home with just ten squats in the day, and now I can do 30 without a breather. Still, a long way to go but hey, who’s complaining. 

Below is a beginner’s video explaining how to do the squats correctly. I am sure it will be helpful to all my readers.

And that is the round-up of all the five at-home exercises that I perform during my workout routine. Remember that taking slow is the key to consistency. In addition to this, performing exercises with the correct posture is very important, so kindly always keep in the kind posture when performing any exercise.

I started with two reps of each exercise, and now in the last two days doing three reps of each. 

Going to the gym won’t turn into reality anytime soon, so how about taking the matter into your own hands. Just by the above-mentioned exercises, I did tone my muscle and tightened my core. Yes, it works! 

So, work up, sweat it out with these 5 Easy Home Exercises!!!

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